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  • ChoreoSophro

Discover your  Potential with ChoreoSophrology.

I am happy to accompany you on the path of becoming aware, letting go and transforming.

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Prevention, rehabilitation, healing treatment through targeted movement and deep relaxation

What is ChoreoSophrology

Choreo: from Greek choreia - targeted movement

ChoreoSophrology is a movement-oriented adaptation of dynamic relaxation according to Caycedo. It aims to deepen awareness of the body. The method consists of the development of consciousness, triggered by the subject himself.

The convergence of sophrology with movement, reinforced by psychology and music, forms the area in which choreo-sophrology develops, making it possible to live in the body without evaluating.

This is a form of therapy that uses movement to explore a person's emotions in a non-verbal way (without language problems). It allows the individual to establish a relationship between movement and feelings.

The techniques are simple and can be adapted to the goals, possibilities and level of each individual. The exercises can be varied depending on the target group.


Sophrology (Greek): Sos = harmony; Phren = soul; Logos = Word / Science was founded in 1960 by the Colombian neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo.

Sophrology is a science that studies consciousness in balance. It is a discipline for the development of human values, inspired by existential phenomenology.

With the help of various physical, mental and psychological exercises, the state of consciousness is positively changed and serenity and well-being are achieved.

"Any positive action directed towards consciousness has positive consequences for all psychic elements."

Andrea  A.

For me, choreography means to come into harmony with myself. Everyday life stress and conflicts fall away from me. The gentle movements and easy-to-learn choreographies lead me into the here and now. Monica has a special gift to give. For someone like me who loves music, the course is the highlight of the week for my



Ulla V.

A beneficial experience!

It does me very good and also gave me pleasure to experience the present moment through movement

in connection with conscious breathing.  


Sarah S.

Thanks to ChoreoSophrology, even after the most stressful day, I feel back in the here and now. The exercises let me feel my grounding and find my inner center.
I feel alive and vitalized after the exercises.

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Are you interested in working with choreosophrology?

Als Therapie  zielt ChoreoSophrologie darauf ab, einen leicht verständlichen  und umsetzbaren Inhalte zu vermitteln . 

Ziel ist es, die positiven Einstellungen und Werte im beruflichen und persönlichen Bereich zu stärken und die Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf den Umgang mit Stress und negativen Emotionen zu entwickeln.


Bist Du bereit für positive Veränderungen?


Buche noch heute ein Beratungsgespräch.

+49 (0) 123 456 78

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